China's slow economy forces college grads to live in "ant colonies
July 11, 2013 7:25 PM
(CBS News) BEIJING -- Twenty-one-year-old Yang Le thought finding a job would be the toughest part about moving to Beijing. He was wrong.
Yang Le
CBS News "You cannot tell if it's day or night," he told us. "The kitchen stove and shower are broken. I hand wash laundry. There's no air conditioning, I only have a fan."
His roommate couldn't stand the heat and moved out.
Despite having a college degree, wages are low for job seekers. At a recent Beijing job fair, graduates know the odds: only 35 percent have found work.

Song Xiahui
CBS News These apartments -- "ant colonies" -- are illegal. CBS NEws took a hidden camera to see one with 20 beds and one bathroom. Another unit we saw slept 30.
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"'Ant tribes' refers to a group of people who come to big cities from small towns and strive for their dreams," Song Xiahui told us. "(We) live in cheap and shabby places and have a hectic life."

Song Xiahui, a 23-year-old journalism graduate, works at a magazine making $400 a month.
CBS News She'd dreamed of living in a three-bedroom apartment with friends. Instead, she has three friends in one bedroom.
"It was not until I entered society that I realized real life was completely different," Song told us.
As the economy slows, Song's dreams of finding a high-paying job seems well out of reach.

More than a million recent graduates have ended up crammed into cheap subdivided apartments.
CBS News
This blog was inspired by a Filipina domestic from the Middle East who left her newborn baby – with placenta still attached – at the Bahrain Gulf Air airplane upon landing in Manila, read her story here . Her despair and desperation inspired this blog to gather all possible stories in order to help, to inform and to empower all Filipina nannies, caregivers and maids -- to liberate themselves from abuses of all forms: physical, rape, verbal, exploitation, overtime working without pay, et cetera. Send us your stories. Stay anonymous - if you like. (No one can afford to deny this matter anymore). Write in Tagalog, or your dialect, or English or French, or any language. ALL nanny, caregiver and domestic maids are welcome, send your emails to
This blog was inspired by a Filipina domestic from the Middle East who left her newborn baby – with placenta still attached – at the Bahrain Gulf Air airplane upon landing in Manila, read her story here . Her despair and desperation inspired this blog to gather all possible stories in order to help, to inform and to empower all Filipina nannies, caregivers and maids -- to liberate themselves from abuses of all forms: physical, rape, verbal, exploitation, overtime working without pay, et cetera. Send us your stories. Stay anonymous - if you like. (No one can afford to deny this matter anymore). Write in Tagalog, or your dialect, or English or French, or any language. ALL nanny, caregiver and domestic maids are welcome, send your emails to
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This blog was inspired by a Filipina domestic from the Middle East who abandonned her baby born inside airline toilet upon landing in Manila
Caregiver EMPOWERMENT DAY. SISTERHOOD OF CAREGIVERS. Woman, you are the Face of God.Women EMPOWERMENT Day with Beyoncé and Salma Hayek. Women's way is not "fight and flight"
All Filipina nannies, caregivers, domestic maids
arriving in Canada, USA, and everywhere in the world
-- should have an EMPOWERMENT DAY
-- an orientation day, an introduction day
-- wherein they are told their rights and
-- wherein they are trained to defend themselves from all kinds of abuses and exploitation
-- especially fight against - working 24 hours a day - everyday - within 7 days a week.
-- All Filipina maids should keep a DAILY LOG SHEET on how many hours they work and what kind of extra work they do, TO PROVE they are being EXPLOITED after their 7 hours or 8 hours shift - that they work 24 hours everyday, 7 days a week!
We suggest that all organizations like AAFQ establish a Sisterhood of Caregivers -- wherein a member adopts a NEWCOMER caregiver for a year -- to be her guide and mentor, moral support and prevention -- from becoming a slave.
I am a witness to the suffering of my people. I am a chronicler of truth and a catalyst of change... (from The Scholastican)
arriving in Canada, USA, and everywhere in the world
-- should have an EMPOWERMENT DAY
-- an orientation day, an introduction day
-- wherein they are told their rights and
-- wherein they are trained to defend themselves from all kinds of abuses and exploitation
-- especially fight against - working 24 hours a day - everyday - within 7 days a week.
-- All Filipina maids should keep a DAILY LOG SHEET on how many hours they work and what kind of extra work they do, TO PROVE they are being EXPLOITED after their 7 hours or 8 hours shift - that they work 24 hours everyday, 7 days a week!
We suggest that all organizations like AAFQ establish a Sisterhood of Caregivers -- wherein a member adopts a NEWCOMER caregiver for a year -- to be her guide and mentor, moral support and prevention -- from becoming a slave.
I am a witness to the suffering of my people. I am a chronicler of truth and a catalyst of change... (from The Scholastican)
USA SLAVERY of Philippines. U.S.TROOPS OUT NOW! True Independence history of the Philippines
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